Geeky Chats

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Geeky Chats Kelly Smith Geeky Chats Kelly Smith

12.34: Love to You, Donna Summer

This week, the Geek Girls discuss the wonderful documentary “Love to You, Donna Summer,” co-directed by Donna Summer’s daughter Brooklyn Sudano and Roger Ross Williams (first Black man to win an Oscar for Best Director—short film “Music by Prudence”).

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Geeky Chats Susan Monk Geeky Chats Susan Monk

GGS 12.01 The Leftovers 5th Annual Rewatch

It’s the Geek Girls’ favorite episode of the year… the annual rewatch of HBO’s “The Leftovers”! This is our 5th time doing it—not our 5th time watching, mind you. We’ve lost count of that. This year, we’re focusing on faith and lies, specifically with Keven and Nora.

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Geeky Chats Kelly Smith Geeky Chats Kelly Smith

GGS 10.47: Actors Who Music

This week we discuss “actors who music”—that is, actors who are also musicians. There are lots out there, so we sampled three: Awkwafina, Oscar Isaac, and Jada Pinkett Smith. We watched one episode from one show and listened to at least one song from each actor/musician.

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