GGS 11.17 The 2022 Soupies

… And the winner is…

Yes, it’s the Soupies! It’s not just awards season; it’s the season for the most prestigious awards of them all—Geek Girl Soup’s very own Soupie Awards!

And this year we welcome Marci to emcee the handing out of the awards, from voting body Susan, Cort, Erik, and Kelly.

Now, these awards ain’t the Oscars or the BAFTAs. We forego Best Picture and Best Female Actor. Those are so over. I mean, those dudes’ trophy cases are totally full as it. 

So, we came up with our own more creative categories, such as:

  • Most Bingeable Show

  • Best Hate-Watch

  • Best Sports Ball Movie/Show

  • Biggest Disappointment

  • Plus more!

And, the top three awards are:

  • The Cort Memorial “Biggest Creeper Moment”

  • The Susan Monk Memorial “It Was Fine” Award”

  • The Kelly Smith Memorial Bingeing Award

Yes, we know what “memorial” means. They’re our awards. We can call ‘em what we want!

Check it, and let us know how you would have voted differently!

Follow Cort’s podcast with Brad at

Check out Susan’s movie stats on Letterboxd

Listen to Kelly’s podcast at Brand + Design Scoop

Original music by Garrett Thompson

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GGS 11.18 One & Done 3: Wonderfalls


GGS 11.16 The Singularity