Geek Girl Soup—Movie and TV Podcast

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GGS 7.29: Game of Thrones Season 5 Rewatch

Many worlds collided in this podcast as Susan & Kelly rewatched Game of Thrones.  This podcast covers season 5 . . . and a little of season 6.

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GGS 7.29: Game of Thrones Season 5 Rewatch Geek Girl Soup

The Rewatchers' Oath:

The final season approaches, and now our watch begins. We shall take no breaks, hold no remotes, parent no children. We shall wear no crowns and win no glory. We shall live and die at our screens. We are the glowing light in the darkness, we are the watchers on the couch. We are the podcasters that guard the realms of geeks. We pledge our lives and honor to the rewatch, for this night and all the nights to come.