GGS 6.17: Episode Binge
While Kelly traveled to France, Chris & Susan discussed shows they binged - House of Cards and Orange Is the New Black, spoilers included.
GGS 5.16: Not Throwing Away Her Shot
Lisa Sponaugle returns, this time without her husband Pat, to talk about her experience as an extra on House of Cards season 4, acting, and tells us the real reason Pat can't stop writing about Game of Thrones.
GGS 4.13: Bad Game of Men
Susan & Kelly are joined by Pat to talk about the first 6 episodes of Game of Thrones season 5 and the next 3 episode titles. We take a few tiny tangents to Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and House of Cards.
GGS 4.08: TWD What Happened Them Distance Remember
Susan, ghost Kelly, & Chris are joined by guest Erik C. Andersen of Z Nation &
GGS 4.07: House of Cards Season 3
Susan & Kelly have a short spoiler free chat about Netflix's House of Cards, season 3.
GGS 2.14: Herding Hosts
In this podcast, you will hear from all four hosts, but not all together.
GGS 2.08: TV Spoils Itself
Susan, Amelia, Chris, and Kelly discuss TV, gaming, movies, books, meeting your idols, and more!
GGS 2.05: The Debate Continues
In this podcast, Susan & Amelia talk about several shows we may or may not be watching starting or returning in February. Is Mike really a big fan of Kevin Bacon? Why can't we stop watching the show Catfish? Also, the Community v TBBT debate rages on, as it will until the end of time.