GGS 9.30: Quaranstreaming Medical Dramas

Kelly, Cort, & Susan discuss the first and last episodes of classic medical dramas.

Extra credit assignment: Lenox Hill (Netflix) 3:56

St Elsewhere (Hulu) 9:16

E.R. (Hulu) 29:51

House (Amazon Prime) 41:38

We're starting to prepare for July 4 next week, but when will Kelly rewatch Dark? 49:03

Cort: The West Wing S5E3 (Netflix and Parks and Recreation S5E1 (Hulu)

Kelly: Kill Chain (HBO documentary)

Susan: Return of the Living Dead (Amazon Prime)

Follow Cort’s podcast with Brad at

Check out Susan’s movie stats on Letterboxd

Original music by Garrett Thompson

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Kelly Smith

Founder of Podcat Creative Consulting, podcaster 🎙️, and firm believer that every great idea starts with caffeine ☕️ and a cat 🐈‍⬛.

GGS 9.31: July 4th Adjacent


GGS 9.29: Quaranstreaming Da 5 Bloods