Geek Girl Soup—Movie and TV Podcast

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GGS 11.26 One & Done 5: Profit

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One & Done 5 Profit Geek Girl Soup

This week at Geek Girl Soup, we’re back to our monthly One-and-Done series with Fox’s 1996 drama “Profit.” 

Raised in a Gracen & Gracen cardboard box (yes, you read that right), Jim Profit gets a job at G&G after a senior vice president has a “heart attack” and dies.  Profit wants to run the whole company and will do anything he can to assume power, including framing his boss for murder.

Profit may look like G&G’s “golden boy,” but Joanne Meltzer is onto him and nearly goes crazy (with some “help” from Jim) to prove he is the devil. Not literally. This isn’t “The Devil’s Advocate.”

We meet Profit’s love interest in the pilot episode, a women who shows up in his office and gives him a steamy kiss, a woman he then calls “mom.” Ummmmm. Stepmom, thank god. But still.

This was a fun jaunt back to the 1990s. The clothes! The hair! The computer graphics!! Yeah, as if we’d want opening files to be that slow. Not.

Turns out Fox aired only half of the eight episodes—in April, worst time of the year to premiere a show on network TV back then. I mean, if it were “Game of Thrones” (s1 April 17, 2011) or “Better Call Saul” (s3 and s6 in April), both on cable in the 21st century, then, yeah, April is great. But network in the 1990s? Not so much. So, “Profit” was doomed from the start, even though it had good critical ratings.

The season ends with no resolution. They didn’t tie anything up like the showrunners did with “My So-Called Life” and “Awake,” two other one-and-dones we’ve covered here. So, we’ll never know if Profit takes over G&G or if Joanne finally gets the proof she’s looking for. We’ll have to look to fan fiction for the answers we’re desperately seeking!

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Original music by Garrett Thompson

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