GGS 3.11: Summer Binge Watch & Game of Thrones Book Talk

In this podcast Susan, Amelia, Chris, Kelly, & Scot talk about what movies they're excited to see in May & June 2014. 

12min45sec *****SPOILER ALERT***** 12:45

GAME OF THRONES/A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE - Pat & Susan have read all of the books of A Song of Ice & Fire. Even though they're only discussing the first 5 episodes of season 4, They might talk about events that occur later in the books.

Kelly Smith

Founder of Podcat Creative Consulting, podcaster 🎙️, and firm believer that every great idea starts with caffeine ☕️ and a cat 🐈‍⬛.

GGS 3.12: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Comicpalooza


GGS 3.10: Tom Cruise Issues