12.26: Something is Risen: Midnight Mass

It’s Easter weekend, and you know what that means… our second annual (?) rewatch of Mike Flanagan’s “Midnight Mass”!

This episode is dark and full of spoilers as we discuss some details of this Netflix limited series. We also delve into some questions we have about Christianity and religion in general. Such as:

  • Is the fixation on Good Friday part of a death cult?

  • Will we recognize Jesus when he returns?

  • What if Jesus returns as a woman or a trans person or a person of color?

  • If Jesus’ message was “love they neighbor,” then why aren’t we doing that?

What does all of this have to do with “Midnight Mass”? Watch it and listen in to find out!

He is risen, for y’all who celebrate!

Chag Sameach, for y’all who do Passover. (Yeah, more of those islanders in “Midnight Mass” should have that!)

And happy listening to all y’all!

Check out last year’s episode here.

Listen to Kelly’s podcast - Podcast Launchpad

Listen to Cort podcast with Brad at PureFandom.com

Check out Susan’s movie stats on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/barbisu/stats/

Original music by Garrett Thompson

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Geek on!

Kelly Smith

Founder of Podcat Creative Consulting, podcaster 🎙️, and firm believer that every great idea starts with caffeine ☕️ and a cat 🐈‍⬛.


12.27: “Introducing Brian Broome” with Filmmaker Chris Ivey


12.25: Reality Geeks: Small Deck Energy