12.17: The 2023 Soupy Bowl!

This year, like some magical, multidimensional kismet, the Soupie Awards took place on Superb Owl Day. Naturally, we turned the occasion into the 2023 Soupy Bowl—an awards show with musical halftime extravaganza!

This being an audio-only podcast, you won’t get to see the dancing zombies. But you will hear the awesome music they danced to. Use your imagination, dude. It was a wonder to behold!

Back this year is the Soupie’s oldest and most prestigious award: The Kelly Smith Memorial Binge-Watching Award. (No, Kel’s not dead.)

Susan changed her award to the Susan Memorial WTF Did You Just make Me Watch award. And we’ve got the Cort Memorial Horror Award: I Am Just Horrified and the Lights are Staying on Tonight!

These ain’t no Golden Globes! Listen in to check out the other awesome awards!

Listen to Kelly’s podcast - The Podcast Launchpad

Listen to Cort podcast with Brad at PureFandom.com

Check out Susan’s movie stats on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/barbisu/stats/

Original music by Garrett Thompson

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Kelly Smith

Founder of Podcat Creative Consulting, podcaster 🎙️, and firm believer that every great idea starts with caffeine ☕️ and a cat 🐈‍⬛.


12.18 Not a Soap Opera Podcast


12.16 William Hung on American Idol and Asian Representation in Film