GGS 11.46 What’s Your Sign?

What’s your sign? And what movie represents your sign? That’s what we’re discussing this week. Turns out there’s a movie genre for each sign of the zodiac. Who knew?!

Here is the link to find the genre for your sign.

We’ve got two Scorpios and one Cancer. Scorpios apparently love film noir, and Cancers love romance. Hmm. Our Scorpios chose “Shimmer Lake” (Netflix) and “Double Indemnity” (rent). And our Cancer chose “Love and Basketball” (HBO Max).

We all loved “Double Indemnity” (who couldn’t love it?) and “Love and Basketball.” Susan was meh on “Shimmer Lake.” Cort needs to rewatch it. And Kelly really enjoyed it. It’s no “Memento,” but it takes place backward. Kelly loved that about it.

Next week we’re listening to our favorite movie soundtracks and scores—not watching the films, just listening to the music to take us back to the films. What’s your favorite?

Follow Cort’s podcast with Brad at

Check out Susan’s movie stats on Letterboxd

Listen to Kelly’s podcast at The Marketing Chat Podcast

Original music by Garrett Thompson

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GGS 11.47 That’s My Jam


GGS 11.45 One & Done 9: Heathers