Cock Obituaries Bill of Mercy

In this podcast Susan, Amelia, and Chris discuss the first four episodes of season 4: A Cock and Balls Story, Obituaries, The Bill of Wrongs, and Works of Mercy

A Cock and Balls Story

(written by Tom Fontana/directed by Adam Bernstein/theme: US prison system)

Season Four premiere. The world of Oz--an experimental prison within a prison known as the Emerald City--reopens its doors with the inmates still on a 24-hour lockdown and prison officials struggling to end the hostilities.


(written by TF/directed by Kenneth Fink/theme: newspaper obituaries)

The African-American inmates point the finger at McManus for letting Em City get out of hand. After that and his recent erratic behavior, McManus gets the ax from Glynn. Mobay's cover is almost blown. Beecher takes Said's place testifying in court after Said refuses to wear the orange prison suit to court. Alvarez proves he has (at least) nine lives.

The Bill of Wrongs

(written by TF/directed by Goran Gajic/theme: The Bill of Rights)

Glynn learns from Adebisi that he was given the gun by former C.O. Hughes. Morales enlists Rebadow's help. Mobay is forced to consider taking drugs to prove he's not undercover. Community leaders talk to Glynn about getting a black man or woman to take McManus's place. Schillinger learns that Beecher made the arrangements for his son to visit him.

Works of Mercy

(written by TF/directed by Adam Bernstein/theme: Mercy)

Em City gets a new Unit Manager, Martin Querns. Beecher's torment over his missing children is worsened. Sister Pete gets a visit from Frances Cardinal Abgott. Dr. Nathan confronts O'Reily about his involvement in a recent attack against her. McManus returns to Oz in a new capacity.

Kelly Smith

Founder of Podcat Creative Consulting, podcaster 🎙️, and firm believer that every great idea starts with caffeine ☕️ and a cat 🐈‍⬛.

Gray Words Without Life


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